Archivi della categoria: Studi e ricerche

Key takeaways about Orthodox Christians

Orthodoxy is the third-largest branch of Christianity, after Catholicism and Protestantism. Today, there are approximately 260 million Orthodox Christians in the world, according to a new Pew Research Center report. [Da del 8/11/2017] ORTODOXY

Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century

Concentrated in Europe, Orthodox Christians have declined as a percentage of the global population, but Ethiopian community is highly observant and growing. [Da del 8/11/2017] ORTODOX CHRISTIANITY

5 facts about Muslim Millennials in the U.S.

The Muslim population in the United States is younger than the U.S. population at large. In fact, while Millennials make up 32% of all U.S. adults, they account for roughly half of American Muslim adults (52%). [Da del 26/10/2017] MUSLIM MILLENNIALS

Many Countries Favor Specific Religions, Officially or Unofficially

More than 80 countries favor a specific religion, either as an official, government-endorsed religion or by affording one religion preferential treatment over other faiths, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of data covering 199 countries and territories around the world. [Da del 3/10/2017] RELIGIONS

After 500 Years, Reformation-Era Divisions Have Lost Much of Their Potency

As Protestants prepare to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, new Pew Research Center surveys show that in both Western Europe and the United States, the theological differences that split Western Christianity in the 1500s have diminished to a degree that might have shocked Christians in past centuries.  [Da del 31/08/2017] REFORMATION

Autorità e libertà nell’Islam. Presentazione dei lavori

Pubblichiamo la presentazione dei lavori del Comitato Scientifico di Oasis che si è riunito a Villa Cagnola il 29 e 30 giugno 2017 sul tema “Oltre ISIS. Autorità e libertà nell’Islam” contemporaneo Martino Diez mercoledì 2 agosto 2017 [Da] ISLAM

U.S. Muslims are religiously observant, but open to multiple interpretations of Islam

For American Muslims, being highly religious does not necessarily translate into acceptance of traditional notions of Islam. While many U.S. Muslims say they attend mosque and pray regularly, sizable shares also say that there is more than one way to interpret their religion and that traditional understandings of Islam need to be reinterpreted to address the issues of today. [Da del 28/08/2017] AMERICAN MUSLIMS

L’Induismo in Italia

La cultura induista comincia a radicarsi in Italia con le seconde generazioni. A raccontarla, i protagonisti di questo nuovo processo di integrazione: i giovani. [Da] INDUISMO

Chiese metodiste e valdesi in Italia

Alla “Chiesa evangelica valdese – Unione delle chiese metodiste e valdesi” fa capo una popolazione complessiva di circa 25.000 persone. [Da] UNIONE DELLE CHIESE METODISTE E VALDESI